Being a member of the SPTF, Aspekt will be part of a global network of microfinance practitioners that provide opportunities to understand the social performance management practices.
With Aspekt’s participation in the SPTF network a new opportunities and possibilities for collaboration and sharing ideas with the other members regarding microfinance industry and social performance management practices will be initiated. Aspekt is looking forward for participating in future events, training groups, open discussion sessions and other activities organized by Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) and contribute to continually improving the technology support of the social performance standards for target companies.
The Social Performance Task Force, SPTF is initially formed in March 2005 as the outcome of the idea of the CGAP, the Argidius Foundation and Ford Foundation, to bring together leaders from various social performance initiatives in the microfinance industry and also to develop an action plan to make social performance even more sophisticated. The SPTF consists of over 2 600 members from all over the world which are practitioners, global, regional and national associations and networks, donors and investors, technical assistance providers, rating agencies, academics, regulators and many others. This organization provides platform for collaboration between microfinance stakeholders, facilitates engagement and advocacy across the industry at all levels establishing industry standards for social performance management, measurement, monitoring, reporting and training.