Aspekt and ICT Chamber of Commerce MASIT with the support of Intellect Technology Association will be hosting the UK Macedonia ICT Business Forum in London and will provide great opportunity for UK companies to get familiar with the outsourcing potential of Aspekt and explore possibilities for business connections.
Тhe Macedonian ICT Chamber of Commerce, MASIT will be organizing the UK- Macedonia B2B IT business forum in London and the event is planned to gather various types of companies from the ICT sector that share required knowledge and interest in working on the UK market. Aspekt will be part of the event presenting company’s products and services in front of the UK companies and other outsourcing partners, on direct meetings organized as part of the Business Forum. This event will be great opportunity for Aspekt to present how the company can respond to the outsourcing needs of the UK companies, through networking and creating valuable connections that can lead to fruitful business opportunities.
The Macedonian Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies – MASIT is a non-profit chamber of commerce that deals with issues of interest for the Macedonian ICT industry. The chamber strives to influence the development and competitiveness of the Macedonian ICT companies by helping them improve IT skills through trainings and business cooperation within the sector. Official body that defines the statute of the chamber is the ICT Experts Council, consisted of academic professionals and industry experts who volunteer their knowledge, experience and expertise in the development of the ICT sector in Macedonia. MASIT organizes numerous networking opportunities where Macedonian technological practitioners gather to promote software and ICT service development accomplishments and through collaboration with other associations (ICT associations in the SEE region, World Information Technology and Services Alliance – WITSA, European Information Technology Observatory – EITO) and organizations (USAID and GTZ) facilitates initiatives that foster regional and international cooperation.