Aspekt signed agreement for implementation and installation of the Aspekt Microfinance Software for MicroFinS DBS, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
MicroFinS-DBS signed agreement for implementation and installation of a microfinance software with the purpose to replace the existing manual operations with a more advanced and automatized system, the Aspekt Microfinance Software. The system will be completely adapted to the Serbian specific regulatory needs and MicroFinS-DBS specific requirements. Aspekt will provide the client with a system that will speed up the working process and solve all the difficulties in the old way of conducting operations.
MicroFinS-DBS was established in October 2007 as a Limited Liability Company. The main scope of the company’s business is to provide the entrepreneurs who are not eligible for official bank loans due to small size of their businesses with micro loans as well as to provide the vulnerable categories of society with housing micro loans. MicroFinS-DBS covers the entire territory of Serbia, with head and branch offices situated in Belgrade. The company assists disadvantaged and largely marginalized groups such as refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and local vulnerable population in Serbia with two types of micro loans- business loans and housing loans.