The event “Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2019”, aims to promote and reward Macedonian companies that have successfully launched innovation in their operations, to promote successful business models based on innovations and new technologies in all industrial sectors.
This year, the event was held in Skopje, on 29th May where 31 companies participated and the most innovative companies from three categories were selected, which received recognition for success and were awarded with funds provided with the support of the City of Skopje.
The award will serve as a commitment of Aspekt to continually deliver higher value for all clients and to make further inclusion of digital innovative trends, in our next projects and develop a platform that will be able to follow the industry and client strategic goals.
The event “Innovative enterprise of the year 2019” is being implemented within the project “Strengthening the capacities of small and medium enterprises through improved support for innovation” funded by the European Union and implemented by YES Foundation in cooperation with MIR Foundation and ARC Fund from Bulgaria.