Aspekt will attend the EMN 11th Annual Conference which will elaborate the theme of “Employment – Challenges and Opportunities for Microfinance”. For more information about our product and service portfolio and to arrange a meeting during the conference days please contact us at:
The European Microfinance Network (EMN) is organizing an interactive event with great networking possibilities where Aspekt will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with microfinance leaders on topics of mutual interest, and point out the technology as a factor that can improve and increase the scope of offered services to young entrepreneurs in Europe thus help microfinance organizations face the challenges that the period of post-financial crisis has brought. The 11th Annual Conference is expected to gather more than 350 microfinance practitioners, EMN member organizations, representatives of EU institutions and funding organizations to discuss the microfinance market as the creator of employment opportunities and supporter of entrepreneurship.
European Microfinance Network (EMN) is a Belgium-based non-governmental organization which supports the promotion of microfinance in European Union countries by raising the awareness of the European legislative and regulatory requirements in the microfinance market. EMN has more than 90 members and partners located in 21 European countries, connecting the European microfinance providers and promoting microenterprise development. The main activities of the organization include capacity-building programs through debates, workshops and trainings, networking events and written publications that address microfinance issues.