Aspekt will be visiting the 15th summit organized by the Global Microcredit Campaign, planned to cover issues of environmental sustainability through microfinance initiatives and expected to be visited by many eminent people including the Queen Sofia of Spain and Muhammad Yunus, the Founder of the Grameen Bank. For more information about our product and service portfolio and to arrange a meeting during the conference days please contact us at:
This year’s Global Microcredit Summit will be focused toward encouraging practitioners and other stakeholders to use microfinance as a means for ending global poverty and achieving environmental sustainability. The conference is expected to gather more than 2000 delegates from all parts of the globe which will engage in more than 100 plenaries, workshops, courses and associated sessions, grouped in four-day event. The topics that will be discussed include vide spectrum of industry aspects, ranging from discussions on regulatory issues for MFIs, to financial literacy, currency risk, product innovations, technology for clients and MFIs, obtaining funds for MFIs, direct and indirect fund-raising and many other. Aspekt will attend the summit and will have the chance to meet with microfinance practitioners and discuss the technological perspective for responding more effectively to industry challenges.
The Summit is a project of RESULTS Educational Fund (REF), an international network of advocacy groups founded in the USA with the goal to promote micro-crediting and financing opportunities for most vulnerable social layers. The Microcredit Summit Campaign as a global network links all practitioners in the microfinance sector by organizing series of Global and Regional meetings and regularly measures goal progress for using microfinance to end poverty through the publication of the State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report.