Aspekt would like to inform all that the new head office location is at bul. “Jane Sandanski” 79a/2/14 in Municipality “Aerodrom”, Skopje, Macedonia.
Aspekt is a Software Development and IT Consultancy Company, initially founded in 1992, as one of the first ICT companies in Macedonia and the region, with major changes in shareholder structure and strategic orientation in 2007, changing focus on delivering flexible, scalable and integrated software solutions for financial industry segments. The company’s product portfolio is comprised under the Aspekt Product Suite as a financial software platform, specialized for separate financial niche segments, including banking, microfinance, leasing, insurance and insurance broker industry. Aspekt has growing client base, reaching Europe and Asian financial markets, covering the operations of financial organizations and plans to expand market presence further on new markets including but not limited to the African market. The product strategy of the company assures the delivery of adaptable software platform for financial organizations that can be flexibly adjusted according to client’s business needs and countries regulative, integration of decentralized business operations and scalability to support client’s strategic growth, enabling the organization to increase the efficiency and automate the operations.